Identity Crisis? Not with a Strong Brand Identity!

Professional marketers developing a strong brand identity.

In today’s world where just about every business is vying for consumers’ attention, it is more crucial than ever to stand out. But that begs the question: How do you stand out in a sea of creative marketing campaigns when everyone is competing for the same goal? Marketers could fill out social media feeds or use as many paid ads as they can afford, but success will be out of reach without a strong brand identity.

What Is It?

It’s not just about the colors and logos that a brand uses. A strong brand identity follows a set of values that resonates with its target audience. Brands can also choose the voice they will use when interacting on social media posts. The end goal is to create a well-rounded image of your brand in consumers’ minds to build that sense of familiarity and, eventually, loyalty.

Numbers Tell All

It’s easy to expect that a brand with a consistent identity will do well enough with its audience. However, brands can form a more unique relationship with consumers if they go deeper when creating their identity.

Statistics gathered in “The Impact of Branding 2024” reveal that 33% of consumers have already decided which brand to purchase before they begin shopping. It is critical to reach consumers before they begin shopping by utilizing an online presence to establish a brand voice and connection.

However, brands must use their voices wisely. The report also shares that 64% of consumers will not buy from brands if the employer has a poor reputation, and 62% of purchases are primarily influenced by brand values. Going even further, 94% of consumers will share and recommend the brands that they connect with on an emotional level.

Case Studies on Brand Identity

The brand Glossier has weaved its mission of clean beauty into every aspect of its brand identity. From using soft colors to minimalist designs and packaging, Glossier has created a cohesive representation of its ideals.

Most importantly, they stay true to their values. Glossier maintains a loyal customer base that connects with and supports their business efforts.

Meanwhile, Duolingo is an example of using its voice to enhance its brand identity. By utilizing social media, the brand listened to not only what did best on the platform but also its reputation amongst users. Thus, they leaned into the imagery of “scary Duo,” especially on TikTok, to build a massive following. By reinforcing the public’s mental representation of the brand, Duolingo has developed a loyal audience that is always on the lookout for what Duo will do next.

Try It Out!

Even if your brand has already worked on establishing an identity, it’s not too late to enhance it. If you and your marketing team are looking to take your brand to the next level, try these strategies:

  • Matching Values: Conduct market research to ensure your brand’s values are in alignment with that of your target consumer base. Once determined, integrate those values into your marketing strategies to enhance the customer journey and build emotional connections.
  • Tell a Story: Customers know when brands aren’t genuine about their values. To build trust, share a story that relates your brand to both your missions and any success the organization has achieved.
  • Find Your Voice: Some styles are more popular than others on social media, especially comedy. No matter which you choose, keep it consistent across all branding and avoid a tone that clashes with your brand’s mission.

Building a strong brand identity is a never-ending process. But if your team keeps an eye on trends and customer values, your brand identity can successfully evolve and keep up in the competitive world of marketing.